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It's a Wrap

It's been a while since I have had the opportunity to write a new post. Summer turned out to be a busy season for us as we planned and organized three fundraising events, an August Get-Together, a Charity Auction, and our very first Charity Golf Tournament. Combined, the three event raised over $18,000 of important funds for the foundation.

Because our leadership underwrites the foundation's expenses, 100 percent of all funds raised goes toward continuing our work of providing grants to local charities helping under-served youth to improve educational and life outcomes, assisting low-income families reach self-sufficiency, and caring for home-bound elderly persons. Since our beginning in 2020, we have been able to distribute over $140,000 in grants.

In August, we once again held our Donor Appreciation Get-Together in Santa Monica. Our Get-Togethers are planned to be light on the fundraising pitch and more on building relations, talking about our work and impacts, and connecting. This year, we almost doubled our attendance with over 50 supporters coming to join us for an absolutely wonderful afternoon of food, drink, and friendship.

We also once again held our Charity Auction which included both on-line and live bidding. This year we were able to expand our gifts and experiences including unique wine tastings, exclusive beauty products and treatments, and personalized outdoor experiences. We are so grateful for the generosity of the many businesses, organizations, and individuals who donated items and experiences, and without whom, our auction would not have been possible.

In September, we held our very first charity golf tournament, Swing for String, at the Meadowlark Golf Club in Huntington Beach. We couldn’t have asked for better weather, or a better group of golfers, donors, sponsors (Northrock Partners and Foundation-X) and volunteers to help bring this event to life. The event itself was full of fun and a chance for people to come together for a good cause.

Pam Mabry, Board Member and Golf Tournament leader, said it best when she told me at the start of planning, “This event should not be for the die-hard, serious golfer. It should be a fun golfing event where everyone can relax and have a good time.”

Pam's sentiment can be extended to all our fundraising events. Each of these events not only helps raise important funds for the foundation, but also allows us to fulfill one of our founding objectives.

When we created Red String, we envisioned a different type of philanthropic organization. Whereas most private foundations are inwardly run and funded, we wanted Red String to be more inclusive by asking everyone we meet to become part of our story. An organization not only focused on smart philanthropic giving, but even more so, on building relationships, engagement, and connection.

We're looking to use this year’s events as a steppingstone for the future. Fundraising is never easy. It’s a nine month out of the year effort - working to get a venue, planning activities and menus, getting sponsors and donations, designing promotional material, and hosting the event. Even though it's a lot of work, it is a real good feeling to know that our efforts will go toward helping the foundation, changing lives and communities through our grants, building on new and old relationships, extending our outreach, and increasing our impacts.

We extend our heartfelt gratitude to everyone who participated and donated as part of our fundraising events. The work we do could never be without your support.

(to be continued)

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