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What We Fund

We believe that every life deserves to be happy and meaningful 

Red String provides grants to local, high impact, proven 501c3 public charities working with under-served youth to improve educational and life outcomes, assisting low-income families reach self-sufficiency, and caring for home-bound elderly persons. 

Red String funds projects across three focus areas:  Youth Education and Development,  Community Services, and Elderly Care.  

Our Priorities

Youth Education and Development

We support long term, comprehensive, educational, emotional, and financial support models to help break the cycle of generational poverty, trauma, and juvenile recidivism, and create pathways to academic and social success

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Community Service

We collaborate with leaders and organizations to promote resilient and vibrant communities where children and families thrive and have the power to shape their lives.

Elderly Care

We respect the wisdom and gifts of our elders and seek ways to help them age wisely and well.


Our Approaches

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Provide long-term support

Goal: Create youth to career pathways to take on the skills needed in the 21st century such as knowledge acquisition, creativity, innovation, critical thinking, problem solving, collaboration, media and technology literacy, self-direction and adaptability skills.  We believe that long term support models that include comprehensive educational, emotional, and financial support are best positioned to create pathways to academic and social success.

Focus Areas:

  • Primary & Middle School: Provide children and youth a solid educational foundation, foster a life-long enthusiasm for learning, and open new opportunities to discover and experience.

  • ​High School and Beyond: Graduate more students who have a broader awareness of the diversity of career path opportunities and are better prepared for post-secondary education and/or careers through high-quality career connected learning programs.  

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Create resilient and healthy communities

Goal: We believe that the best, most lasting solutions occur when the people and communities most affected by the change they are seeking are enabled and given the power to make it happen. 

Focus Areas:

  • Create social change that advances the educational, health, and economic well-being of disadvantaged youth and their families within the community.

  • Improve community connectedness and unity

  • Motivate involvement and empower communities to shape, create, and make change.

  • Locally owned, locally staffed: Strong community involvement where recipients take an active role in volunteering, giving back, and making the program a success for the next generation.

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Aging well and caregiving

Goal: Create opportunities to address both the way we care for older persons today and in the future, and provide information and support to family members providing primary care.  We work with senior care focused organizations providing critical care and services that allow older persons to remain in the comfort of their home and enable them and their family caregivers to remain independent, active, and well.  

Focus Areas:

  • Improving social connectedness & food security in older adults

  • Improving the care of older adults, especially those with special needs

  • Social services for primary care family members

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Building lasting relationships

Goal: Build long-lasting, strong relationships, improved brand awareness, and greater affinity and insight with our partners and donors through not only our grant program but, more importantly, though engagements - holding donor get-togethers, attending partner events, volunteering, and supporting initiatives.  

Focus Areas:

  • Partner engagements and donor events

  • Social media presence

  • Communication and transparency


EIN: 84-4020796

Mail us:

P.O. Box 2415

2929 Westminster Avenue, Seal Beach, CA 90740

Follow us:

  • Facebook
  • LinkedIn
  • Red String on YouTube

© 2020 by Red String Foundation

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